Gideon Reeling

The Pyjarmy Regiment

Southbank Centre

The Remains of the Pyjarmy Regiment is an interactive tale of a fictional regiment of peaceful sleepy heads in search of new recruits. Many a Private and Major are M.I.D – missing in dreams, and worse - Captain Morgan has gone AWOL, so the Regiment need you.

Ideal for family participation, though this 1/2 day experience can be tailored for all ages- it encourages audiences to participate by way of:

Character Creation at HQ Recruitment Drill with Brigadier O’Dea to determine your rank and character,

Craft activities in the Mess Area to design your own decorations (known as 'muddles'),

Team Work and synchronised physical exercise on the Parade Ground led by Major Wringroade 
-before Private Dancer takes you through the snazziest of manouvers.

Private Party and the rest of the regiment will be on hand to entertain the troops before it is back to:

The Barracks for Bedtime Story Drill, team tale telling and treasure trails, task based games and immersion into the everyday tasks of the regiment.

This event culminates in Lance Corporal Punishment’s Pillow Fight Command–a big pillow fight for participants and spectators.

Attendees are encouraged to arrive in their pyjamas, be armed with a teddy bear, and bring their own pillow.

Thus far The Pyjarmy has 'recruited' at : The Festival of Love Southbank Centre, for Bubble and Brit / Corporation of London family play day and at Festinho, a fabulous grassroots festival whose profits go to Street Childrens’ charities in Brazil.